I’m so jazzed you’ve taken a moment to peek in and wonder “About me”! I want to meet you, get to know you and encourage you along the way. I hope I can share my wonderings and together we can consider the new possibilities that await us.
Life is too short to not intentionally make space for friends who remind us who we are and that being brave and showing up is thee best defense against becoming numb.
I hope to connect with you and together journey forward in morphing into our own skin. I’m learning that creativity is a path to discovery and although we all create differently, when we do… life seems to get birthed within us. I also understand that it doesn’t happen alone, but requires a tribe; a community to belong to… so welcome!
It’s not too late!! New life, new chances, opportunities and possibilities are available. Imagine discovering who you were created to be by exploring what gives you life. Then bravely leaning into that and watch your heart begin to respond. You have permission!
Let’s wonder together!
I hope you’ll come along…